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Will Riches Come From Your Invention Submission

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

Copyright 2006 Stellar Force

When you have an earth shaking idea, you want to protect it. The reason, of course, is you want to reap the financial rewards from the idea that you came up with.

Money Barriers

There are 4 barriers that you must get through to get to the money on the other side:

1. Is your idea original with you? Often, what you think is your original idea, was actually patented previously. To answer this question, you need to perform a patent search. A good patent search will define what has been patented, that is related to your invention. It can also help you decide how to position your patent between the patents already issued or pending in your subject area.

2. Can you afford the cost of a patent attorney to prepare the patent for you? If you can’t afford the $10,000-$20,000 that a patent attorney will charge to do the whole job, you can do much of the process yourself and save money. However, there are parts of the patent that are essential for a patent attorney to perform. The most important of these are the claims. If the claims are not correctly done, then the patent will likely not be defendable. Strong patents are worth much more money!

3. You must pay the patent office fees for you invention submission. The government fees are something that you can’t get around. Now the waiting begins. It may take up to 2 years before your patent is actually issued. Part of the delay, may be requirements for adjustments to the filed patent by some whimsical patent agent. You must be prepared to make the necessary adjustments that are requested by the patent office. If you don’t respond to their requests in a timely manner, your patent application will be considered abandoned. At least you now have patent pending status.

4. Is your patent commercially feasible? What if you have spent your money and your time to get a patent, and no one feels it is valuable? A little market research before you begin the invention submission patent process is a very good idea. A few questions that you might want to ask are: “What is the demand for your product?” “Are the other products out there that can do the same thing?” “Can it be sold for a price that will yield a satisfactory profit after costs?”

If you really have faith in your revolutionary idea, then it may be worth exploring whether it will be able to cross the above barriers. The cost that you incur to overcome each of these barriers is your bet that your patent will be a financial success. Your submission of your invention to the patent office may just be your ticket to financial security!

What shows up on a criminal record background check?

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

A criminal record background check can throw up a lot of information on an individual including previous arrests as well as conviction and non-conviction information. The information is obtained from Federal Fugitive files, files from the Department of Corrections prison, state criminal records, databases on sex offenders, and prison parole records. There are various agencies that perform criminal record background checks; these agencies have access to more than 200 million criminal records from all across United States, local courthouses, and the National Criminal File.

The information revealed in criminal record background checks is of critical importance to employers of all kinds. Childcare institutions are extra careful about recruiting personnel and check if the prospect has a record for child molestation. Employers, such as infirmaries and hospitals need to make ensure that their workers do not have a history of violent behavior or drug abuse as they may be required to handle drugs.

Industries that execute government contracts will not want employees with an anti-establishment disposition or with a terrorist connection. The information provided by a criminal record background check can also help neighborhood communities to get an idea about individuals planning to move in. The process of obtaining criminal record information consists of contacting a company that provides such a service; one should have a clear understanding of the type and extent of information required. This helps in obtaining the information quickly and at a lower cost. All the same, there are some free resources as well, such as the local police station that may be maintaining an online database of convicts and sex offenders.

A standard criminal record background check includes the name, race, gender, D.O.B, number of offenses, date of conviction, risk level, and charges. The information provided can be used not only by employers but also by landlords who wish to do a background check on prospective tenants. This is because simple credit checks are no longer considered sufficient; it is perfectly possible for a person to have a good credit record but some other blot on his record.

The growth of the Internet has resulted in burgeoning sex crimes and online frauds. Often face-to-face meetings set up after online acquaintance end up in an unpleasant experience for one party. This can be avoided by running a criminal record background check. At the same time, the Internet has also made it easy for people to look up the backgrounds of others. In fact, many databases provide criminal background checks for people not only in the U.S but also in Canada and the U.K. One should keep in mind that in order to avoid getting caught in a criminal case, a background check from a traditional agency should be obtained. A check done from agencies providing instant checks may not yield complete results.

What happens if you get arrested in Thailand?

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

Although consular officers cannot serve as attorneys or give legal advice, they can provide a list of local attorneys and help you find legal representation. However, neither the Department of State nor the U.S. Consulate can assume any responsibility for the caliber, competence, or professional integrity of these attorneys.

A consular officer will do whatever he/she can to protect your legitimate interests and ensure that you are not discriminated against under local law. A consular officer cannot release prisoners, provide guarantees of their comportment, or provide funds for bail. If you are arrested, immediately ask that a consular officer at the U.S. Embassy be notified. If you are turned down, keep asking–politely, but persistently. If unsuccessful, try to have someone get in touch with us on your behalf.

Upon learning of your arrest, a U.S. Consular Officer will visit you, provide a list of local attorneys, inform the Department of State of your arrest and, if requested, contact family or friends in the U.S. or elsewhere. Consuls can help you transfer money, food, and clothing from your family and friends. They will also try to get relief if you are held under inhumane or unhealthful conditions or are treated less equitably than others in the same situation.

What does it take to be a Lawyer?

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

When you see all these handsome Lawyers in TV series like LA Law, sitting in their fancy offices, driving these flashy cars, have you ever realized what they have been through in terms of time, years of education, money, Certifications etc’.

Let me Describe to you the Lawyers course of training. Formal educational requirements for lawyers include a 4-year college degree, 3 years in law school, and the passing of a written bar examination.

Competition for admission to most law schools is intense. prospective lawyers should develop proficiency in writing and speaking, reading, researching, analyzing, and thinking logically—skills needed to succeed both in law school and in the profession.

Regardless of major, a multidisciplinary background is recommended. Courses in English, foreign languages, public speaking, government, philosophy, history, economics, mathematics, and computer science, among others, are useful. Students interested in a particular aspect of law may find related courses helpful. For example, prospective patent lawyers need a strong background in engineering or science, and future tax lawyers must have extensive knowledge of accounting.

Acceptance by most law schools depends on the applicant’s ability to demonstrate an aptitude for the study of law, usually through good undergraduate grades, the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), the quality of the applicant’s undergraduate school, any prior work experience, and, sometimes, a personal interview.

During the first year or year and a half of law school, students usually study core courses, such as constitutional law, contracts, property law, torts, civil procedure, and legal writing. In the remaining time, they may elect specialized courses in fields such as tax, labor, or corporate law. Law students often acquire practical experience by participating in school-sponsored legal clinic activities; in the school’s moot court competitions, in which students conduct appellate arguments; in practice trials under the supervision of experienced lawyers and judges; and through research and writing on legal issues for the school’s law journal.

Law school graduates receive the degree of juris doctor (J.D.) as the first professional degree. Advanced law degrees may be desirable for those planning to specialize, research, or teach. Some law students pursue joint degree programs, which usually require an additional semester or year of study. Joint degree programs are offered in a number of areas, including law and business administration or public administration.

After graduation, lawyers must keep informed about legal and nonlegal developments that affect their practice. Currently, 40 States and jurisdictions mandate continuing legal education (CLE). Many law schools and State and local bar associations provide continuing education courses that help lawyers stay abreast of recent developments.

The practice of law involves a great deal of responsibility. Individuals planning careers in law should like to work with people and be able to win the respect and confidence of their clients, associates, and the public. Perseverance, creativity, and reasoning ability also are essential to lawyers, who often analyze complex cases and handle new and unique legal problems.

Lawyers held about 695,000 jobs in 2002. About 3 out of 4 lawyers practiced privately, either in law firms or in solo practices. Most of the remaining lawyers held positions in government and with corporations and nonprofit organizations.

The Pursuit of Happiness for Women

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

In 1970 a “Jane Roe” filed suit against the state of Texas when she was not permitted to have an abortion. The child in question was a product of rape, and “Jane Roe” did not want to hold with her the harsh reminder of what had occurred to her. Texas granted her an injunction, but they kept the law forbidding women to have abortions. “Jane Roe” and her attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington appealed the case and took it to the Supreme Court.

What happiness can an abortion provide women is a question demanding to be asked.

Women deserve to have the option of abortion not only because it is their right under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and because it is their constitutional right to privacy, but also to ensure a better happier future for themselves. In today’s society women are more upwardly mobile than ever and education and career are no longer taboo considerations. A woman’s practicing her right to choice can be due to a myriad of situations; she could have been raped, she could be too young to consider herself a mother, she could be financial unable to support a child, or she can be too busy at trying to keep up with the men in the job market.

Women are no long debilitated by pregnancy. Unfortunately, pregnancy can unexpectedly occur even if you are using contraceptives, but where as a man does not need to concern himself with this a woman does. Abortion is not going to be a business woman’s singular form of birth control but it is a safety net to fall back on. Abortion can keep a John Hopkins student from swapping medical school for a serving job that makes enough money to buy formula. Abortion can keep women who can to make advancements in science after from quitting midway achieving their bachelor’s degree.

Although it is still a very heavy moral issue and it is one that no woman can deny is difficult. Every woman understands the gravity of the situation and no woman can make it with out feeling the burden of it on her shoulders forever. Student and business women will think about there decision from the moment they step out of the clinic to the moment their last breathe it is drawn, but they made that decision in the belief that were pursuing something great.

It is unjust to make women slaves to their biology. Men have no hindrances due to their biological make up, whereas women have menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy to work through. The Roe v. Wade decision was a pivotal moment in women’s struggle to overcome obstacles she faces to keep up with men.

It has been said that, “man is born free and everywhere else he is in chains.” Woman isn’t given that luxury. Woman is born into the slavery of her sex and she fights to break free from that chain. Roe v. Wade put a chink in the chain.

The Credentials of Any Good San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyer

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

The hallmark credentials that you want to see when hiring a San Diego criminal defense lawyer on a serious felony charge are pretty much the same for a criminal defense lawyer anywhere. When you are charged with a serious felony in a state court system where your exposure is many years in prison you don’t want someone “practicing” or dabbling on your matter. You want a consummate talented and respected professional that regularly handles the type of criminal charge that you are charged with.

The bottom line is that you want a lawyer with a winning reputation. The profile that makes up that type of lawyer consists of a number of characteristics. You want a lawyer that is well educated. While the law school a lawyer went to isn’t necessarily the characteristic that makes the difference, the better law schools produce lawyers who understand the theory of the law better which makes them better able to make arguments that persuade judges.

You also want a lawyer who has a good presence and who is respected in the courts. The more respected your lawyer is, the better he will be able to negotiate, win critical motions, and get rulings favorable to your case. A good lawyer who is respected in his community will be respected anywhere he or she goes to handle a case. The prosecutors and the judges get the picture quickly by the way the lawyer handles themselves.

You want a lawyer who has been practicing many years if your case is a serious felony such as murder, vehicular manslaughter, forcible rape, or child molestation. The more years a lawyer has practiced means that he or she has handled more situations, more cases, and more trials. That combined experience means that they will be able to analyze your case quicker and with more accuracy than a lesser experienced lawyer. Years of experience means they know all the moves and how to implement them effectively at the right moment.

Make sure your lawyer has successfully handled many cases of the type of charge you have. If you are charged with murder, for instance, you want a lawyer who has handled and tried several murder cases. A top gun lawyer should be able to cite several examples of jury trial results and favorable settlements in the type of case you have. There is no reason not to hire a lawyer with a long record of winning. Every lawyer has won a case or two. You want the lawyer with a long list of successful results.

In every major community in this country competent skilled professionals exist who are capable of getting you the best results. A little work trying to find one will be worth the effort. If you throw your money away on someone who isn’t up to the task you won’t find out until it is too late. You can always change lawyers but you may have spent all of your resources. Major Tip: Don’t ask people to refer you to a good lawyer. You may just be getting a friend or a business referral. Ask people: “Who are the five or ten best San Diego criminal defense lawyers to handle a serious state court felony trial case?” You will likely get a list of great lawyers. The good lawyers will all talk to you and you will be able to see the difference and choose who you are most comfortable with and can afford.

Spyware – Legislation?

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

We have all had to become more aware about what companies are doing to invade our privacy these days. Identity theft, frauds, and scams are happening every day and the perpetrators of these are getting more and more sophisticated.

There are even some major corporations involved in some of this as if ethics rules for businesses don’t apply to what they might do online. People tend to think that if a company is big and well known, they must be reputable. They go so far as to think it’s safer to do business with a big company than with one that is small. These corporations take advantage of that trust.

Many people do not even know the answer to this question; “Who are the biggest distributors of pornography in this country?” The common answers are Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, and others who are well known for that distribution.

For years, General Motors owned Direct TV. Direct TV is the company that has served up more pornographic movies than any other single company. I bet they don’t discuss that at GM’s shareholder meetings. The number two purveyor of porn for years has been AT&T. They run the pay-per-view channels that are piped into even very reputable hotel chains across the country.

My point is that just because you are very familiar with a company’s name does not mean that everything they send you is to be trusted. RealPlayer is notorious for adding unwanted software and installing those programs on your computer. In the fine print of their user-agreement, which they know you do not read, you give them permission to download what they like to call third-party software.

There are many companies you know and trust that let software piggy-back on their software’s installation without you knowing it in most cases. Of course, IF you read the user-agreement and you were an attorney who could understand the way they write it, you would have known you were giving permission for this nefarious activity.

The companies that make the malicious software pay the bigger more trusted companies to add their programs to their installations, because they know they could never get you to agree to download their software directly. And of course then you would also know it was running in the background on your computer using up your resources to make them money.

Big software companies also lobby congress to make sure no laws get passed that might limit the ways they can take advantage of computer users. And beyond that, the average politician doesn’t know anything about how computers or the Internet actually works. This helps the software companies keep them in the dark on the whole issue.

Until legislation is passed that prohibits spyware, malware, adware, badware, and other data-mining software, the problem is just going to get bigger. Until we have politicians that actually pay attention to new technology, we will continue to have corporations take advantage of their naivete and take advantage of the average Internet user.

Most of the terms of service written by these company’s attorneys are worthless from a legal standpoint. The items they put into the fine print will not hold up in a legal challenge. However, the average user is not going to hire a powerful attorney and pay the expense of taking their case all the way to the Supreme Court just because someone harmed their computer or allowed their identity to be stolen.

These companies know they are safe as long as they keep congress and users in the dark. They are cockroaches and cockroaches hate the light. Write to your congressman and tell him or her that this has to stop. These companies need to be stopped from the practice of downloading anything they want from anyone willing to pay them onto your and my computer.

A simple terms of service should be required and you should get to read it BEFORE downloading or paying for any software. It should contain an easy to read section called, “Other Items Installed On Your Computer When You Install This Program.”

Social Security Member’s Concerns

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

Changing of Names

The Social Security has set some rules and regulations to be followed by members who wish to have their names changed. There are various circumstances where name changing is allowed and these are as follows: if a member marries, if the member divorced and if there are certain corrections to be made on the name of a member.

If you are a Social Security member and wishes to change your name let’s say in you social security card, the first thing you ought to do is to tell both the agency as well as your employer. The importance of telling your employer is to ensure that your earnings will be properly reported and recorded. However, it is only your name that will be changed and will not in any way affect your social security number. The changing of a member’s name does not require for any payment, it is entirely for free.

In order for a member to get his or her new corrected social security card he or she will be required to bring along with her the identification showing the old name and the new name. For the new name a member may bring his or her marriage certificate or divorce decree. And for those members who were born outside of US you will be made to present proofs of your US citizenship.


For divorced social security members especially those that have been married for at least ten years, may be able to collect retirement benefits on their former spouse’s Social Security record provided they are at least sixty-two years of age and if ever their former spouse is entitled or already receiving benefits. However, if after the divorce a member marries he or she may not collect on his or her former spouse’s benefits unless his or her marriage ends either by death, divorce or annulment.

There are still other circumstances aside from the above mentioned wherein a divorce spouse may be able to claim benefits. Take for example if ever the divorced spouse dies and then the other spouse have not yet married plus the surviving spouse is of age 60 then he or she will be receiving benefits. However, if he or she remarries before reaching the age of 60 he or she will no longer be able to receive any benefits from his or her ex-spouse. But if after the age of 60 the ex-spouse remarries only then will he or she be entitled to receive social security survivor benefits and even retirement benefits out from his or her deceased ex-spouse.

Road Traffic Accident Compensation

July 19, 2014 by  
Filed under General

Most road traffic accident compensation involves two drivers, with a driver or passenger from the one vehicle seeking compensation from the driver of the second vehicle. Based on evidence that the accident was caused through negligence. The road traffic accident compensation claim will lead to legal proceedings that will involve the driver and possibly, passengers of both vehicles claiming injury as a result of the negligent driving on one the parties behalf . Typically, legal proceedings due to poor road design, will be against a local council. This can be on the basis that they to have failed to install proper signs maintained proper design or maintain a A road, high street or motorway. A road traffic accident compensation claim may also include a product liability claim lodged toward the manufacturer of a car or car part, claiming design or manufacturing defect which lead to the accident. Also, if a car mechanic or garage left a car in an unsafe condition, liability may fall within their responsibility.

Unique Situations
Unique situations can often arise in a road traffic accident compensation claim which make the legal proceedings more difficult. All parties involved may be liable for potential injuries and this will be considered during the course of any legal proceeding. Various issues that can arise from the accident itself include:

Leaving the scene of an accident: Is not so uncommon in the UK where the driver who causes an accident fails to stop at the place of the accident. This will make it difficult for the injured party involved make a positive ID and therefore bring the driver to court.
Pedestrians and Road Accidents: In such situations, a member of the public can suffer serious injuries as a result of a collision with a vehicle. Often time the conduct of the pedestrian is called into question making it difficult to make a claim against the driver.
Motorbike & Car Accidents: Motorcyclists are very much at risk in regards to personal injury when involved in a road traffic accident, even in collisions which would be relatively minor had they occurred between cars. Due to the nature of some motorcyclists, it may be prove difficult to obtain a far hearing from a jury as they’re commonly deemed ‘wreckless’ road users even if the other party is clearly at fault.
Bicyclists & Car Accidents: Bicyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. They are more likely to sustain serious injury when hit by cars or other vehicles. Various hazards such as doors opening in front of them are obvious causes of collisions as well as many others. Cyclists are often caught in the drivers blind spot and they often report that they did not see the bicyclist until it was too late.
Buses & Car Accidents: Bus accidents can also be quite serious. Due to the sheer size, passengers carried, a collision with a bus will not only see other road users worst off, but unmanaged passengers can also add to the already heated mix of a road accident. Any road traffic accident compensation claim will also be taken up with the operator of the bus not just the driver.
Unsafe road conditions: Where things like road debris and poor, uneven road surfaces abound, accidents can be common place. Whether this is in the form of parts which have fallen off of vehicles, or debris that is kicked up from the roadway, it can all be used as evidence in a road traffic accident compensation claim if the driver believes this was the cause of the accident.


If you need advice or would just like to speak to someone, please don’t hesitate to give Claims Master Group a call on 08000 71 22 71.

The Personal Injury, Accident Claim, No Win No Fee, Road Traffic Accident Compensation specialists.

Asking Help on Legalities Regarding Medical Malpractice

April 11, 2009 by  
Filed under General

Medical malpractice is an act also known as medical negligence. This is the failure of a particular professional working within the walls of a medical institution to meet the standards of rendering satisfactory medical practice within that medical practitioner’s field of excellence or expertise. There are numerous issues regarding client safety concerning help on legal aspects of the medical profession.

Occurrences of medical malpractice are usually done by healthcare providers namely doctors, nurses, midwives, caregivers, and those whose work are related to medical aspects. When these mentioned practitioners has done incompetence and negligence, legal amendments will be imposed on their actions. Example, if a doctor has prescribed a totally different drug or has failed to do a procedure that could’ve been beneficial to his or her patient, worse, which may have led to death, then that doctor is liable to answer for the severe cases of malpractice.

Laws governing medical malpractice are complex. Therefore, it is essential to assign an attorney or lawyer who is experienced in handling malpractice cases and is able to understand the different complexities regarding the issues that may arise. Claims regarding medical malpractice may involve analysis on the different aspects of the client’s medical records and the tests that were conducted such as CT Scan, blood sampling, urinalysis, x-ray, pathology studies, MRI and so on, in order to insist the validity of the claim, If you know someone who have experience any kind of malpractice, then you have to advise him or her to act immediately in order to preserve the his or her rights.

Tips to manage medical malpractice are as follows:

1. Hire a lawyer or attorney that is adept when dealing with medical malpractices. He or she must know how to cut through the labyrinth of information and should be able to go around heaps of paperwork just to prove one’s claims. Usually, these lawyers are consistent when giving advise on whether your pursuit to legality is worth it or will be recognized within the halls of court.

2. Be wary of medical malpractice attorneys who bid for money even without proper court hearings. They may not be as effective as you think they are. There are those who are willing to work on contingency basis which means that if you lost the case, you are not bound to pay any kind of fee.

3. Experienced medical malpractice attorneys will be able to give you advice on how to go about disputes. In this manner, you can save yourself a lot of shame, time and money. Furthermore, you will be saved from being bombarded with stressful matters. The lawyer must know how to settle things even before it goes to court.

4. Within the phase of investigation, firms that handle medical malpractice will utilize the best caliber experts and will employ a medical investigator on a full-time basis. Furthermore, those who are really experienced will not misled their clients into barging in an unfavorable contract of settlement.

Fact is, when a physician has made an erroneous act, he will not be personally liable because of simple negligence, mistakes and inadvertence. Violations of medical practitioners would rely on how malpractice damages affected the client even without any kind of medical determination necessity.

Legal help is important for those who have experience malpractice in order to achieve more satisfactory service those who are expected of it.

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