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When do you need an attorney?

July 4, 2016 by  
Filed under Featured, Legal Tips

Bad things can happen to anyone at anytime. There are some mistakes that people make that do have consequences that come with them. Sometimes these mistakes can lead to court appearances and heavy fines added in. When this is a problem for anyone, it may be a good idea to talk to an attorney and find out your rights. It is always better to have someone else on your side when you get into trouble.

There are many ways that you can find a good attorney. You can simply look in the yellow pages or online for a listing of the local attorneys in your area. You can call around until you find one that is willing to help you with your situation. Another way to find a good firm is to get referrals. You can ask around for some good advice from people that have used one before. This is usually a good way to get help with this kind of need.

There are lots of reasons why someone may need to hire an attorney. It can be anything from a simple traffic violation to more serious things like assault or theft. Whatever the reasons may be, you should find an attorney that only handles certain kinds of law. For some attorneys they will specialize in a specific part. This is always going to be the best way to go when you are trying to get the best possible representation.

Many times people may find that they need to have a family matter or real estate matter taken care of through the court system. When this happens, it is going to be required that you get an attorney to help you settle the matter. If you are trying to get something resolved by the law, you need to have the proper representation so that you can do your best at winning.

Anytime you purchase or sell a home, you will find it necessary to have an attorney handle some of the paperwork. It is just the normal formality things that they have to settle. It is a lot easier on you when you find someone that knows this kind of work best. You will have a better time at getting everything handled in a timely manner.

Most attorneys do require a retainer paid up front before they perform any services. This is going to be a fee that is usually a few hundred dollars. This will cover some of the up front costs so that they can get started on fighting your case. This is a formality so you should make sure that you could afford the attorney before you decide to choose them.

Getting an attorney is going to be the best way to handle any legal problem that you may have. You should never go at anything alone and having someone on your side is the best way to make sure that you are taken care of.

We recommend the best rated Attorneys in California Law Offices of Tarman & Shamuilian ( Bobby) www.tslawteam.com/attorney-profiles/bobby-shamuilian

What is Fair Use?

May 21, 2016 by  
Filed under Featured, Legal Tips

Copyright 2006 Sharon Housley

As the Internet matures, users and governments are struggling to manage controversial issues. Lets face it, the Internet did not exist when the US copyright laws were written;let us not forget, while many countries respect copyright laws, the Internet is global without a governing body. There are not only different laws, rules and regulations, but also jurisdiction issues. RSS didn’t exist when copyright laws were written either. While ardent supporters feel any content in a feed can be syndicated, other equally fervernet publishers contend that original works are just that–original works, and in many countries protected by copyright laws.

Much of the Internet is uncharted terroritory. There is no single agencies that has complete control over content or censorship, and it is unlikely that there will ever be a recognized body that regulates and agrees to terms and conditions to govern the online world. At this point, the location of webhosts and companies owning domains dictate what laws that are observed. In other words, if a company in the US or UK is violating a copyright and their host is in the US or UK, it will be easy to enforce copyright laws in the event of a violation and have the website content pulled. If the website is located on a server in a region that does not recognize or acknowledge the rights of a copyright holder, the web host will be less likely to cooperate in removing the offending content.

Regardless of whether you manage an RSS feed or syndicate existing feeds, it is a good idea to become familiar with what constitutes fair use under copyright laws. Fair use allows portions of copy written material to be reproduced or republished without the consent or permission from the copyright holder.

Determining protection can be complex. Fair use is often disputed, and it is difficult for legal scholars to understand, and even more difficult for publishers to decipher. When determining fair use there are a few questions that help determine whether a copyright violation has occurred. The questions you should ask are:

Is the work protected? How much material is copied? What is the nature of the work that was copied? Is the individual reproducing the work profiting? How was the original works affected by being copied?

When attempting to determine copyright protection, it is important to remember that the US copyright law does not require a notice to appear in order for creative works to be protected. The fact that the work is unique and is “created” is enough to ensure protection.

Not surprisingly, creative works that contain a higher level of complexity have a higher degree of protection. The fair use doctrine is part of US copyright law and it allows for publishers to incorporate some copyrighted material into works without the expressed permission of the copyright holder.

Keep in mind that fair use is based on the belief that the general public and media are entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials. The fair use extends to commentary on the creative works, criticism of creative works, or even the creation of a parody that relates to the copyrighted material. Understanding the intent of the copyright laws help publishers interpret them.

Acknowledging Help on Legal Divorce and Family Law

April 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured

For every state, the family and divorce law differs although information that will be given in this section tackles majorly of what is present in every country and how it is dealt with in general. In order to seek a clearer vision regarding a particular topic, you can consult a divorce or family lawyer regarding your status of getting professional advice.

Family is one of the most important units within the society that gives meaning to life. However, when balance is moved, there are matters that needs to be discussed and people who are seeking for advice can be given certain ideas on how the law that governs the family works, some of which are about the totality of marriage, divorce, child custody and child support.

Law on Marriage

Laws regarding marriage status in the United States are strictly governed by the law of the state. However, there are federal regulations that rely on the marital status of the couple in order to determine the federal benefits and rights which invoke the important definition of marriage to the law. Furthermore, the constitution ensures that the United States Supreme Court will be able to review the laws which are related to marriage.

Law on Divorce

Agreement on divorce is similar to agreement on separation, marital agreement, and agreement on the settlement of properties which are legally acceptable with the contract settling matters involved. It will not be referred to as an agreement on being divorced because only the court can grant such request. If both parties will fail in reaching the agreement, the case will undergo trial and the decision of the court will be altered. Whatever the court has raised can be modified and will be based on the change in substance and circumstance. Agreements, therefore, can be modifiable or non-modifiable.

Agreements settle certain issues that relate to:

1. Health, life insurance and alimony

2. Division on liabilities and assets

3. Physical and legal custody, visitation, college fund, child support and medical expenses and insurance

Law on Child Custody

Generally, ordinances authorize courts of having responsibility or jurisdiction of proceedings regarding divorce in order to determine who should have the children’s custody under the marriage. Within the common provision, parents of a child who is legitimate are considered as joint guardians of the child and each parent’s rights are equal which means that each parent has the right for the child’s custody the moment they separate. And because of the controversial authority to decide custody based on the court’s jurisdiction, laws within this field are based on the state.

Law on Child Support

In cases where there is judgment for dissolution, separation, or annulment, the court usually orders that both parents should pay the amount necessary for the child to be supported until proclaimed stable or when the child reached age of independency. Financial support of the child will be based on the facts of the couple’s separate cases. The court has the right to consider that both parents are responsible and obliged for supporting the child.

Considerations will be made upon establishment of the amount that should be supported and it will be given to both parents which, under the legal help, should provide proper support and proper welfare for the minor including the child’s needs.

Affordable Legal Help

April 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured

Most Americans are simply living within their means and so they are not always prepared for unexpected expenses like legal costs. Some say that only wealthy individuals can afford legal services but that’s not true. There are affordable legal services being offered to middle income earners and the less fortunate ones.

Since wealthy people can afford legal services with ease, the poor families should also have the same privilege. Not everyone will need legal services at the same time and so many law firms these days are creating special programs to help the less fortunate when they need it. The programs and services can be accessed in their physical offices and on the internet. Most law firms and companies these days have their own website and so people can easily reach them.

Getting legal help is definitely expensive but since everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, state governments together with law firms is now offering legal services at an affordable cost. Whenever you need legal services, you can simply inquire about the affordable legal help services any time.

If you’re dealing with matters like identity theft, IRS audit, child adoption, speeding tickets, contract signing, bills and hidden fees, or incorrect credit report listings, you will need legal help at once.

The US is a litigious place and so you need to be prepared for any legal matters that you may encounter. For many years now, affordable legal help services have served millions of Americans in handling different legal matters.

Common legal problems can be handled without a professional attorney and if you think you can handle the document preparations on your own, you can take advantage of online help resources. These legal help resources and services provide legal forms that you can fill out at a very affordable price. Before you finally submit the legal form, a professional checker will ensure that all the contents of the form are accurate. However, if you’re seeking for legal advice, such online companies can’t provide it because it’s against the law; only lawyers or attorneys can give legal advice.

States have different legal programs offered to the less fortunate. You can inquire at your local state website or state offices for affordable legal services. You can even check out charitable institutions in your local area to access the services of pro bono lawyers or attorneys. These lawyers don’t charge anything for their services. If you can’t afford to pay for their services, this is already a good choice.

If you’re lucky, you can even get the best lawyer in your state. You see, many experienced and established lawyers are offering their services for free through pro bono programs; when the lawyers have a spare time, you can consult your legal matters with them and they can provide you with a legal advice.

Affordable legal help is widely available and by knowing your options, you can easily access these services offline and online. Don’t think that just because you’re poor, you can no longer enjoy equal benefits when it comes to legal matters. By knowing which law firms, websites, and institutions to look for, you will be able to overcome your legal problems. So what are you waiting for?

Start looking for affordable legal help services now. You don’t have to sulk and become overly problematic about your legal matters; there’s a way to handle them at a very affordable cost.

Coverage of Getting Legal Help

April 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured

Legal help enables people who have low family income to get free help and legal advice from an experienced solicitor or adviser. In order to provide Legal consultation, the adviser or solicitor must posses a contract coming from the LSC or Legal Services Commission.

The coverage includes everything that you might ask and legally question to a solicitor most especially if you are preparing for a case gone to court. Some are general thoughts based on legal problems. Your legal adviser can also insert negotiations, getting an opinion from a barrister, writing legal documents or letters, and preparing for a case in a tribunal. Mediation regarding family cases is also covered by legal help. Mediation is a kind of negotiation wherein both parties are being helped by an impartial mediator in order to find a solution that is acceptable for both persons involved.

Against what other people might think legal aid is not responsible for any kind of payment that is put up in court or pay a lawyer for his or her representation in a tribunal or court. On the other hand, you may have the chance to get assistance for situations like these through Controlled Legal Representation, Legal Representation and Help at Court.

What are the probable legal problems that are covered by legal help?

1. Buy and sell of a property. Example would be, if you wanted to buy something or sell your house, legal aid can give you certain advice only if the situations are commanded by the court due to results of divorce, dissolved partnership and legal separation.

2. Law for housing which helps when you have issues against landlords who wants to evict you from the property or if your have arrears.

3. Cases of certain medical negligence.

4. Court procedures like when someone filed a lawsuit against you because you weren’t able to pay them the money that you owe.

5. Cases of personal injury only if the injury is caused by unwarranted abuse and deliberate battery or assault.

6. Law for consumers wherein you have bought goods that are inedible or faulty and can no longer be ingested.

7. Preparation for hearing in a tribunal council like when there is unequal case dismissal although legal aid doesn’t cover any kind of representation during the tribunal.

8. Family issues like when support is neglected after divorce was made and cases of disputes with rightful ownership of children. Advices about dissolution and divorce which is undefended can also be brought up.

9. Adoption matters only if disputes were made.

10. If you have reached the certain age where death is probable, you can get advice on making a will especially during difficult circumstances.

In order to be qualified for legal help, one must be financially stable. You have to meet conditions especially when it comes to financial aspects or if the solicitor believes that you are capable of meeting their standards of giving them the “benefits” in order to continue with the case. Benefits which are sufficient mean that there are greater chances of success when dealing with the case.

The moment you have been granted with the help, rest assured that your case will be reviewed in a regular basis without any kind of lapses and your conditions will be continued on right standards.

Free Legal Help for Divorce

April 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured

If you’ve witnessed divorce proceedings, then you probably know that it’s drawn out and very expensive. Divorce cases are not new in today’s modern times. Couples are now more open to this alternative if their marriage doesn’t work out. Once the couple decides to file for divorce, they should seek advice from the right organizations and legal firms. If the couple doesn’t want to spend too much on the divorce proceedings, they should consult free legal help for divorce.

Not all couples can afford the expensive cost of legal help. Those with limited resources can easily look for free divorce legal help online. There are non-profit organizations that provide free divorce legal help and they usually have their own websites. These organizations have experienced and very competent divorce lawyers who extend free legal help. Aside from the non-profit organizations, there are also reputed attorneys and legal firms who offer pro bono social services. These lawyers or attorneys take some divorce cases each year without asking for any fees.

If you watch TV all the time, you can look for live shows and chat shows about divorce, legal advice, and issues. Some radios also have programs about legal help for divorce. If you want to obtain free and sound legal advice, you can write to TV shows or radio programs. This is a good way of consulting the experts because you will surely get enough information and advice.

Among the new concepts online are online divorce and its gaining popularity these days. In fact, many couples have tried it already and they were able to deal with their divorce proceedings in a timely and simple manner.

If you want you can also try ‘pro se waiver’. This option is almost free because you need to pay a small fee to get legal services throughout the divorce proceedings. This is already a packaged deal and so couples don’t need to worry about costs every time their lawyer sits in the courtroom; not only that, this option also saves time and energy. Start looking for this legal option now and you will only fill out some forms and pay nominal processing fees. Soon the divorce proceedings will be over and you can already begin a new life.

Some say that there is a huge difference between paid services and free legal services. For those who can afford paid legal divorce services, start looking for the best legal services in your area so that you can get over the divorce proceedings soon. People with limited resources can stick to the free legal services offered by non-profit organizations or pro bono services but make sure that you choose carefully.

When looking for a divorce lawyer, you need to ensure that your lawyer is looking after your best interests. You have to conduct some background checks to see how many divorce cases your lawyer handled in the past and to determine his or her creditability. You must be able to trust your lawyer all throughout the divorce proceedings to ensure success. If the couples are in good terms, they can seek legal help together.

So if you and your spouse decided to file for divorce, get legal help at once. Don’t be left helpless and ignorant. You need to know the law to protect your own interests and you need your lawyer to guide all your actions.